Meet You in the Clouds!

“For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage one another with these words.”

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

Pastors and End Times Bible Teachers

These are ALL excellent sources of Bible Truth!

  • Jack Hibbs (Pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills) You can find his church services on YouTube @ Real Life with Jack Hibbs as well as his mobile app and You can find him on Facebook as well under "Jack Hibbs". He has some great series...a good foundational one is called “Futures” which helps us understand what the Bible says about days like these and prophetic future events.. He is currently preaching verse by verse through the book of Romans and Hebrews.

  • Don Stewart (Bible scholar and apologist) Don has written many books that he makes available for FREE on his website A few titles include: God’s Work in History, The Final Antichrist, and 25 Signs We Are Near the End. Look for his "Today in Prophecy" videos on his website as well as here on YT. Published twice a week. Great resource if you are trying to learn more about prophecy in relationship to end days.

  • Amir Tsarfati (Israeli Christian (Messianic Jew) who is the founder of Behold Israel and best selling author) He is an excellent Bible teacher who focuses on end times and with a focus on the importance of watching Israel and its relationship to the world. There is so much going on that you will not find by watching the news. You can find him on FB, YT, and Instagram under “Behold Israel. You will find a library of Bible teachings on the Tribulation, Rapture, One World Religion, Israel and the Church, The Days of Deception, The Final Jihad, Before Our Generation’s Eyes, The Promise, etc. He also has a YT channel called Bible Bites with Amir. I highly suggest you follow him on Telegram for daily updates on Israel/Middle East conflicts and Russian/Ukraine/Europe invasion. His Telegram channel is Amir Tsarfati and he will be the one with over 200K followers (there are some fake accounts with less people).

  • James Kaddis (Pastor of Calvary Chapel Signal Hill) and Tom Hughes (Hope for Our Times) - You can find Pastor James here on YT and Pastor Tom here. This is where I get much of my news on current U.S. and world events. They are both bold watchman who are passionately sounding the alarm for the return of Jesus Christ. They read and cover many, many articles each week and discuss what it means through a Biblical lens.

  • JD Farag (Pastor of Calvary Chapel Kaneohe) Another bold pastor and watchman! He is an excellent resource for Prophecy updates and Bible teachings. He can be found on YT here but because some of his updates would be censored you can follow him on his website for full updates at

  • Dr. David Jeremiah (Pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church) You can find him on FB/YT and his own website. Look for an interview with him here on YT regarding a book he has recently written about current global events and the last days: “Where do we go from here?”
